Saturday, July 10, 2004

Europe 2004 #1

hey everybody

this is a big impersonal email from denmark... so it probably won't be very interesting...

anyways, i've been gone for about 2 weeks now, and i've visited new york, london, cambridge, amsterdam, and copenhagen... which is where i am right now. i'm having a really good time over here, and just thought i'd write to let some people know that i'm still alive and havent gotten lost yet. unfortunately.

anyways, in new york i stayed on the colombia university campus with spencer (after a night at kevins mom's house in new haven, CT)... and i had a good time there. we went to brooklyn to eat some hot dogs and did a few other new yorky things while in new york... imagine that. anyways, after we had our fill of that... we went to london where i met up with chris, and boy was it a joy hanging out with chris and kevin for 4 days. i dont think i've ever heard 2 people bitch at each other as much as they did... and yet, they still like each other. often times i had to mediate their arguments, but after the first day i'd just tell them to put a sock in it. anyways... the 3 of us spent a day in london wandering around looking at english things, and then went up to cambridge for 3 nights. we met some people there from ucla as well as some of their friends from different schools who were all studying abroad. it was a really nice town- all centered around the college. i played (and dominated) croquet, and we went punting-- pushing a boat with a long stick, its very sophisticated... like what i'd expect from those brits. i had a good time there, but after a while it was time to move on to amsterdam- which was interesting. kevin and i got there and stayed for 3 nights... wandering the streets, playing with the frisbee in parks, riding bikes, saw the van gogh museum... oh right, and we saw lots of prostitutes!! they actually do stand in red lights in case you didnt think it was true. i was also offered extacy and cocaine over a hundred times... it was pretty crazy doing both at the same time!!! har har. anyways... from here on im writing this from prauge in the czech republic... i wasnt able to finish before the battery died on the computer in copenhagen... WHICH IS IN DENMARK FOR SOME OF YOU WHO DONT KNOW!!! so, back to amsterdam... kevin and i rented bikes there and rode around the city a whole bunch... and i liked it much better once we got out of the red light district and away from the millions of tourists. its funny how almost every tourist avoids being a tourist by any means... but we found a nice park and watched a concert for kids for a bit, then toured the heinakin factory a bit later. after that, we took a train up to copenhagen, where we met jenn kubit and stayed with her for 5 nights i think. shes living in the international student house, but it wasnt full cause its summer, so we all got our own rooms which was pretty nice. it was a very clean city with very very very very good fransk hot dogs... i could have eaten like 20 of them everyday. even thinking of them now makes my mouth water... the genius behind the danish hotdogs are the buns-- its a bread thingy with a hole through it in the longitudinal direction-- creating a sheath for the hotdog. delicious. anyways... i spent a lot of time there relaxing and wandering the streets of the city during the day. one night, we all went to the dorms of the university of copenhagen where a bunch of the danish students were having a party... i guess they do every weekend, but this time they "got" to party with americans. we were happy to play some madonna and metallica with them to share the good times... it was fun, they were all very friendly and most seemed interested in talking to
us... often making fun of the governator or of g-dub. one strange thing is they are all older than us... danish people usuallz take a few years off after high school so i felt really young there.
after denmark, we took a train to prauge with a four hour layover in nuremburg, germany. finally... i've been able to experience the wonderful language barrier that i've been hearing about. in germany... it doesnt seem like people like to not speak german, so buying a donor kebab was a lot more difficult for me than it would have been if i knew more than 2 words in german. it also doesn't help that i look sorta german i guess-- big and mean. am i german? i dont even know. anyways, prauge is a little easier to get around, especially cause we met up with kevins friend Lucas who lives here... he took us around the city yesterday which was really nice becasue he got us used to the trams and subways here. i gotta hand it to these europeans... they've got this public transit thing down. so we saw a bunch of stuff here that you all probably dont care to hear about, but last night kevin and i saw mozart's opera Don Giovanni in the actual theater that it premiered in when it came out around 1790 or something i think? it was really cool, and we had
awesome seats too. well if you made it this far, im surprised.... this was not very interesting, but i got an email from stephen whining about how much he misses me and that he needs me to correspond with him more. so thats what i've done over here for the past 3 weeks... if youre gonna be in the area lemme know. seeya
